
Cyber Risk Protection for Schools

Protect Against a Data Breach or Loss of Vital Business Services

Cyber Risk Protection for schools arranged by Aon

Schools – like most other businesses – are increasingly dependent on technology which can make them more vulnerable to a data breach or cyber-attack, leading to lost income, a damaged reputation, and legal and regulatory costs, not to mention the associated disruption.

Cyber Risk Management Resources

Protect Your School

Aon can arrange cyber insurance to address your cyber risk exposures. As well as covering potential losses, cyber risk protection also ensures professional expertise is on hand when a data breach occurs.

How Aon Can Help

Talk to us about cyber liability insurance which can protect your school against the financial losses caused by breaches of your network security, infringements of data protection laws, employee abuse of email, or libellous content on your website.

As well as covering potential financial losses or payment for damages to affected individuals, cyber liability insurance can also cover the costs of data restoration, reputation management and crisis management following an incident.